Codisto LINQ Installation Instructions

After verifying your prerequisites, perform the following tasks in order to install the Codisto LINQ plugin.

  • Login to the Admin Panel for your Magento shop. This will be located at a location such as https://yourdomain/index.php/admin
  • Enter your Administrator Login and password

  • Open the Magento Connect Manager by clicking the menu System -> Magento Connect -> Magento Connect Manager

  • Locate the section in the Magento Connect Manager that is labelled Direct package file upload. Click Choose File and select the CodistoConnect.tgz file that you saved above. Now click Upload.

  • Scroll down to the console and confirm the Package installed correctly. You will see a message such as "community CodistoConnect 1.0.5" (where 1.0.5 represents the version downloaded)

  • Now click Refresh. Scroll to the section labelled Manage Existing Extensions.

    You will now see that the Codisto LINQ extension has been installed successfully.

  • Click Return to Admin at the top of the Connect Manager

  • You will now see a menu item in the Magento Dashboard labelled eBay | Codisto

Congratulations. You are now ready to list your products on eBay in a few simple clicks.

Please see Creating and Managing listings articles for more assistance using Codisto LINQ or don't hesitate to contact support.